You’ve Got Paid®

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How does it work?

This is a closed system and is by invitation only.  You will receive an invitation email from the site to pickup your personal earnings statement.  You will login to this secure site to view, download or print your statement.

Why can't I use my email program's preview mode to view my message?

Email is not a secure method to view your confidential data.  The site is protected by a SSL certificate ensuring that the connection is encrypted and secure.

Why does it take so long to display the message?

When you open a message, it is decrypted before it is shown to you. A large message can take more time to decrypt.

How do I change my password?

To reset your password, please log into the site and go to the membership area.  There is a profile page that will allow you to change your password.

I was told that a message was sent to me, but I did not receive it. What do I do next?

If you are using Microsoft Outlook, check your Junk folder in your mailbox. Outlook sometimes puts email messages in the Junk folder. If the message is in the Junk folder, move the message back to your Inbox. Other PC security products may place messages into the Junk or a special folder instead of the default Inbox. Note: If your company uses an anti-spam or filtering program, your message may have been quarantined or placed in your Junk Mail folder. Check in these locations for your message.

Why can’t I see images in Microsoft Internet Explorer?

The Accessibility feature of Internet Explorer can cause the images to display incorrectly. If you want to see the images, you must turn off these options.
To show the images correctly:
1. Select Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click Accessibility.
3. Uncheck Ignore colors specified on web pages and Ignore font sizes specified on web pages.
4. Click Ok.
5. Click Ok.

What Internet browsers are supported/recommended to view personal earnings statements?

You must use one of the following:
• Microsoft® Internet Explorer® version 6.0 SP1 or higher
• Mozilla® Firefox® version 3.5 or higher
Other Internet browsers may be used, but are not supported.